Join the Presently Reading Book Club

I don’t have many friends who enjoy reading.

And the ones that do? They don’t enjoy nonfiction like I do.

Reading is much more fun when you have somebody to share your passion with. If you want to read one nonfiction book with me every month, I invite you to join my book club community.

Here’s how it works:
  1. At the start of each month, I’ll announce a new book that I’ll be reading
  2. Every Saturday, I’ll email you a lesson I learned from the book and some reflections
  3. You read alongside me and participate in the discussions
We’ll read nonfiction books on many different topics, such as productivity, health, relationships, and self-development. You’ll be joining a community of 2,000+ bookworms from around the world. For a running list of all the previous books we've read, check out this Notion page.

I look forward to reading with you. I’ll see you inside!